MMP’s Training Certificate Course in Early Childhood Care and Education was one of the services that were affected by the pandemic two years ago. There were no registrants for this program, perhaps due to uncertainties in time and resource constraints.
After two years of promotion, the program is finally available for this class online via Zoom. The first module, Bible Intro, began on April 23 and May 7, 2022, with lessons beginning on those dates. There were 12 students from different places in the Philippines, as well as Jakarta, Indonesia. The Holistic and Transformational Ministry is now the third module of the ECE Training Certificate. The number of students enrolled has grown.
We had problems, just as we would in any other online class. However, there are advantages as well, such as bringing students from many locations together to learn Childhood Education from a biblical perspective. This is one of the distinctive elements of Mission Ministries Philippines and Asian Theological Seminary’s Training Certificate.
According to the students, learning more about God and the significance of developing a stronger relationship with Him before fulfilling their duty as teachers have been humbling. “In a world of shifting views, Christian Education is steady,” noted one of the professors in the ECE modules. We are not only teachers for our pupils’ futures, but we are also teachers for their eternity.
Enrollment in the Mission Ministries ECE Training Certificate is still open. You can reach us on Facebook at MMP ece or by email at, or by calling Ms. Erlyn Isidro at 09301434780.