Our Approach and Philosphy

Raising The Next Generation Of Transformational Leaders

With a commitment to the 4/14 Window we implement initiatives that target children most receptive to receiving the Gospel message of Christ. The 4/14 Window refers to the demographic group from age four to fourteen years old, which is the most open and receptive to every form of spiritual and developmental input. God is calling us to align our missional focus: the 4/14 Window golden age of opportunity to transform the world. God is calling us to radically change the way we view children and to respond to their strategic importance and rightful place in His Kingdom. This often ignored and suffering people group can be transformed into a precious window of opportunity.

We serve the poorest by partnering with: Churches, Non Government Orgs, Community based groups and authorized individuals in setting up, or enriching an existing, Early Childhood Education and Development Programs. Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Preschool and Daycare Centers
  • Supervised Neighborhood Play
  • Educational Stimulation Centers
  • After School & Tutorial Programs
  • Employment & Health Education for Parents

Within every program or process we initiate, set up, or develop – we include the opportunity for children and parents to develop a lifestyle knowing God as thier true source. We initiate or develop programs, group gatherings, seminars, study groups that help teach about our great God, while learning to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sustainability is an end result. With every program MMP develops we work closely with the local church and community to develop team members responsible for the ongoing work of an Early Childhood Education program in their area. We train teachers, assistant staff, volunteers, parents, church members, and others God has called and equipped for the journey. We will also assist is setting up an income generating opportunity to financially sustain the ECE program.  


All young children in vulnerable communities have access to a quality Christian based primary education and experience.


Partnering with a local church, we equip communities to nurture children so that they grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and with people.


Our faith in JESUS CHRIST is central to who we are. We follow His example in working alongside the poorest.

Educating children out of poverty. Raising the next generation of transformational leaders.


After many years involved and working in some of the most severely deprived slum communities, we have come to terms with the fact that the extreme poverty in the Philippines is generational. Educating the youngest generation is a key approach to resolving the cycle of lifestyle deteriation and creating better opportunities for a child and community to find a better opportunity in life.

The first five years of life is crucial to the growth and development of the child. During this period 50% of physical growth and 90% of brain development occur. Moreover, there are critical periods in brain development when the surrounding environment can influence how the human brain is “wired” for daily functions. This includes the education environment in areas such as Math, Language, Music and Physical activity.

If these windows of opportunities are missed due to lack of appropriate stimulation, like a preschool experience, reversing malnutrition, and repairing poor health, it will be very difficult for the brain and body to re-wire itself at a later time.

Our own research and data over the years in early childhood care and development shows only 33.5% of three to five years old have gone to preschool or daycare – especially in the slum communities, where is can even be less than that. To this day there are an estimated 11,550 Barangays (districts) in the Philippines without day care centers or an early childhood education program. This translates 3 out of 10 districts that do no provide early childhood stimulation and development for children, three to five years old. Most of the vacancies reside in severely deprived slum communities.

Children who have had the benefit of appropriate and adequate early childhood care and development experiences also tend to be better prepared for formal schooling, less likely to drop out, and gain increased vision of success in life.

Problems that currently plague the formal school system such as student participation, motivation, staying power and achievement are now being traced to the lack of or inadequate provision of early childhood care and education.

While data remains inadequate, available statistics have shown that a great number of the child population continue to be living in situations needing special protection with the number continuing to increase in greater proportions over the years. These are the children needing special care and attention to ensure their normal development.