The Philippines is considered one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. Disasters have placed a tremendous burden to affected families and communities, as they cope and survive from many tragic catastrophes. Many happen with very little notice or time to prepare.
Over the years we have established initiatives in hundreds of poverty stricken communities. We currently and actively work in many new areas every year. Our relationship with the children and families goes beyond the early childhood education experience. We assist in the development of each community we work and we most definitely step in and help when disaster strikes.
Many times during our course of action to initiate and maintain a positive early childhood experience for the poorest children, we often come in contact with those who are suffering greatly through trying circumstances. This could be a homeless family living on the street, families who don’t have enough to feed their children, and others who are struggling to survive in any number of ways.
Whatever the circumstance call for we find a way to help. Sometimes we use our own resources to lend a hand or resolve the issues. Sometimes we call upon one of our network ministry friends who have the resources. We always designate a portion of our fund to be distributed during times of dire need in the lives of those we find have no other option in order to survive.
In the middle of a crisis, it is children who suffer most. MISSION: CHILD CARE stands ready to help by delivering crucial assistance to fill the needs of family and community to better serve the needs of children who suffer
Part of any effort to stabilize a community after a large-scale disaster involves an asserted effort to normalize the lifestyle and experience of the children, to include those who are responsible for their education. Almost 2 years after the tragedy of Typhoon Yolanda, Mission Ministries Philippines Early Childhood Education (MMP) still remains aligned in continuing to provide assistance in the Eastern Samar region, one of the most harshly affected.
Within just three months after the typhoon Yolanda devastatingly hit the coastal areas in Samar, MMP joined Philippine Children’s Mission Network (PCMN) “Rest and Restoration” program by conducting Early Childhood Education (ECE) seminars for the teachers and volunteers of day care facilities and supervised neighborhood play programs.
In a continuing effort, MISSION: CHILD CARE (MMP) remains in partnership with the PCMN responding to the needs of the teachers and volunteer educators in Samar through its “Rest and Restoration” program. This program was designed to help those families affected by super typhoon Yolanda. Our involvement is ongoing.
STARTING IN EARLY 2014 To help normalize the flow of daily life in education – several 3-day Early Childhood Education seminars were conducted, the first one to at least 30-35 teachers from each of the 5 municipalities we visited in Eastern part of Samar. A total of 210 educators have participated in seminars facilitated by Prof. Chonabelle Domingo (MMP / ECE Program Director) together with the aid of volunteer MMP teachers. Activities and seminars were conducted inside a tent – a temporary classroom built by NGOs for the day care of children.
During this initial period of offering assistance, people in these areas were still coming to terms with the tragedy. Recovery was barely starting. Affected families lost their homes and needed to stay at temporary shelters. School buildings like day care centers were all shattered by the storm surges of typhoon Yolanda. MMP stepped in at this critical time to help communities develop a sense of stability.
Alongside PCMN we are continuously providing assistance through the “Rest and Restoration” program, MMP also conducted similar Early Childhood Education seminars in three more affected towns. Feedback from the community has been very positive. Teachers, including many church volunteers were grateful and happy for what they have learned, especially related to handling and teaching young children – mostly the preschoolers. Our seminars have also served as venues for educators to unwind and develop support systems among each other. Building a sense of community among peers is a great emotional motivator providing assurance toward restoration.
In our most recent seminar conducted May 12-15, 2015, we trained 30 ‘cream of the crop’ (best SNP/day care teachers) from the 5 covered municipalities – who in return would be responsible in teaching and aiding others. We facilitated higher-level instruction, with a practical training, instructing in how to set up a Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) classroom. We included a demo-teaching scenario. Participants and PCMN staff enjoyed the activities. We were happy to share with them our expertise and service of MMP / ECE.
Securing progress of continued education reinforces the opportunity to, once again, experience a normal lifestyle after the devastation caused by a major natural disaster. MMP is proud to fulfill its mission in this way.
“During our last trip, we were blessed to see new concrete and safe classrooms built by Christian Organizations like PCMN. Children in the centers we visited were blessed with so much toys and educational materials. We continued to help them in how to utilize these resources for their holistic education program”, says Helen – ECE Coordinator.