Mission Ministries Philippines and Its Year 2021 Achievements

The school year 2021-2022 is another good year for Mission Ministries Phil. With the goodness and guidance of the Lord Almighty, MMP has successfully provided quality education and services to the academic community despite the uncertainties of the time. Pandemic did not hinder MMP from accomplishing its mission and vision. It has reached partner schools, teachers, administrators, and parents to inform them of the various services being offered by MMP.

Amidst the ongoing Pandemic, MMP gave seminars and training to its partners. For example, in February 2021, The Puppetry and Ventriloquism in Early Childhood Classroom helped schools use puppetry to teach kids and make the classroom discussion lively, even in online classes. The Early Childhood Education Levels 1 and 2 pursued and participated not only by partner schools but other schools and organizations as well. Significant refresher seminars were also held. Especially the Child Discipline in an online and face to face platform were offered twice. First in September and second in November 2021, due to special requests.

MMP also conducted seminars for parents to help them in parenting, but its primary purpose is to share the good news of salvation.

To reach more communities by partnering with individuals, organizations, and even churches, MMP held Free Orientation/ seminars last February 22, May 17, June 21, July 26, August 23, September 20, October 25, and November 29.

Building relationships among its partners is essential, especially in trying times. And to achieve this, MMP facilitated Kamustahan and Prayer Gatherings. This activity is to worship the Lord together as a family and listen to one’s journey during this pandemic season.

Another unique service MMP accomplished was connecting with another NGO, the Medical Ambassador Phil. Inc. (MAP). They facilitated seminars about the Knowledge about vaccines last March 2021 and Malusog na Kaisipan para sayo at sa iyong Komunidad – a mental health issue seminar last July 30, 2021. MAP also distributed Ivermectin, a drug believed to help in fighting covid 19. Some partners benefited from this program.

In partnership with De La Salle University, several MMP schools also availed medical supplies, first aid kits, thermometer and BP monitor, art workshops with art supplies, and cash donations for a chosen MMP partner school.

This Pandemic also opened the door of revisiting dormant projects like the feeding program of MMP. This program feeds the body and the mind as it includes either the reading tutorials, Sunday School program, or the Kidprenuer class. To date, seven partner schools benefited from this program.

Other activities: MMP and Action for Care and Development of the Poor in the Phil. (ACAP) joined venture with a 5-day seminar held last Sept. 16, 23, 24, 30, and October 1. The seminar aims to equip their parent-volunteers in their tutorial projects with the underprivileged children in the communities of Paranaque.

In line with the reading project, MMP and MLhulier, one of the largest and most reputable non-bank financial institutions, joined forces in response to the call of the Department of Education to address the reading problem in Filipino children through its program Brigada Pagbasa: Reading Remediation Training. Camarin Elementary School benefited from this venture.

De La Salle University, in its NSTP class, also partnered with MMP in its mission to reach public schools children that have difficulty in reading. Bago Bantay Elementary school benefited from this partnership.

As the Lord continues to work in MMP, The ABS- CBN show entitled G: Diaries featured MMP in its October 28, 2021 episode.

This program features individuals and organizations whose advocacies are related to eco-tourism, the environment, and community development. It is privileged to be given this opportunity. Other media exposure of MMP was in DZAS through the Memo ni Mommy program, an online radio program over 702 DZAS.

This Pandemic has hit many, especially on finances, and MMP is not excepted. On November 6, 2021, MMP administered an online Fundraising campaign. Its goal is to raise funds for the next generation of transformational leaders. It was joined by several supporters and raised an amount to continue the programs for the year.

MMP’s aim of better, effective, and efficient services to partner schools and the academic communities, the election of MMP officers was held. The goal is to work alongside MMP to advocate its mission vision and objectives. The following were the elected officers: President: Presilla Valiente, Vice President: Alice Espiritu, Secretary; Delia Casas, Treasurer: Flor Tanag, PRO: Pastora Imelda Hilamon and Cristy Montano.

The year 2021 may have been a challenging time, but God’s plan will always prevail. So it has been a fruitful year for MMP. And all made possible with the grace of God.

A Way in the Wilderness: Mission Ministries Philippines’ Journey During PANDEMIC Season

In March of  2020, the government issued a lockdown on most parts of the Philippines. What we thought of as a short-term lockdown has now gone to almost two years of unprecedented events.

This tiny bit of virus has claimed millions of lives and altered the course of life throughout the world. Everyone was affected, and education is one of them.

In the first months of lockdown, Mission Ministries Philippines still hopes that everything will return to normal.  But as the days went by, reality set in. For many who are not tech-savvy, we were all caught off guard.

Fear may have paralyzed some of us, but by the grace of God, He gave us courage, wisdom, and perseverance. The pandemic brought changes in the way we do things but we strongly believe that this should not stop our work. With limitations in meeting physically, we find ways to continue on what we are called to do, “TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION”, still meeting the needs in Early Childhood Education and strengthening families and communities whatever it takes.  So in May 2020, MMP offered its first webinar to its partners about Blended Learning and Homeschooling via zoom. Our speaker Professor Bing Amihan introduced the terms synchronous and asynchronous learning, which most of our partners were unfamiliar with. This method of teaching is being used in western countries. Though there are limitations in the Philippines, it is still applicable. This encouraged most of the partners to continue their preschool operation despite the drop of enrollees. And to further explain and help apply the knowledge learned in blended learning and homeschooling webinars, Mission Ministries supervisors piloted the practical training. The supervisors presented the strategies, materials, lesson plans, online play, and online applications the partners can use to cope with the technology adopting synchronous and asynchronous learning.   Shifting into the new platform should not deviate our developmentally appropriate practices philosophy in teaching to our students. As we learned from Prof. Bing “there are still non-negotiable principles like integration of God’s word, Christian values, and good character.

As the world started embracing the digital age, Mission Ministries Philippines explored other possible ways to continue its mission in serving our partners and our advocacy to provide better education to indigent children.

MMP’s thrust that no child is left behind is a must!!! MMP  is committed to caring for the children and shaping them into what God created them to be. Providing access to basic needs on their development and enjoying their childhood. Furthermore, the pandemic season made MMP revive its feeding program, but this time with a significant tweak in its feature, thus we call it “Feeding the Mind & the Body” (FMB), where the feeding program is integrated into the existing curriculum of MMP. MMP Partners, are given the option to integrate its feeding program with Sunday school lessons, Remedial Reading or Kidpreneur, or teaching business skills for children via the online and face-to-face platform.

Moving on…. All MMP seminars were geared toward maximizing technology in delivering quality education without compromising our philosophy. Speakers emphasized the importance of building relationships between teachers and parents as they hone their children’s potentials. Resource persons enlightened the use of technology and the danger it brings to the children. Research shows that too much exposure to screen time can hamper the brain development of children. The webinars also laid principles and ways to sustain the school operation.

With all these worries and stresses brought by the pandemic, it is a fact that many have suffered from anxieties and mental health issues. So in response, another webinar was conducted addressing this issue.

Aside from these seminars, supervising the partners was also done online. Partners were encouraged to attend the classes of the supervisors for them to observe the online classes and process them afterward. In the same way, supervisors were able to observe and coach the online classes of partners.

The pandemic may have closed many doors but new opportunities were opened to MMP by God’s grace. Mission Ministries herald to preach the gospel to the children have now intentionally reached even the parents by administering parenting seminars. These webinars not only give guidance for good parenting but most especially in preaching the gospel of salvation.

The pandemic may have momentarily thwarted the course of MMP and yet God used this to flourish and spread its roots to reach others further. Now MMP can now post a new challenging question to possible new partners. Would you like to set up or enrich your existing Early Childhood Program like Preschool, Daycare, SNP ( Supervised Neighborhood Play, Stimulation Center, After class program or tutorial program for children …. What do you prefer  ??? Face to face or On-Line?????.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.Isaiah 43:19

Reviving Ministries. . . .

When God closes a door He opens windows. And Mission Ministries Philippines witness how God made this statement true once again. This pandemic closes doors and yet God opens windows of opportunities and reviving dormant ministries.

It takes one good heart, one stretch hand, and one step to make a difference. In recent news, Mission Ministries Philippines together with people with generous hearts made these projects possible. A simple act of kindness made it viable to feed the hungry and alleviate a community.

Feeding the Hungry, Feeding the Soul, Feeding the Spirit

In its mission to address the needs of children holistically, Mission Ministries Philippines conducted a feeding program in partnership with its school partners who cater to the less fortunate communities.

One of the devastating results of the pandemic is the lost of income to the families. Families that depend on a hand to mouth existence. And losing jobs of parents hardens it more. The basic needs of the family like food have been jeopardized because of this.

At present four of MMP partners implemented this endeavor. More than 180 children benefited to this project. They were given healthy, nutritious and delicious food. Parents of the children also helped in the preparation. Making this a conjugal effort between the parents, school and the church. This simple act of kindness made a difference.

Aside from feeding the physical needs, the most important of the project is to feed the soul and spirit. Part of the feeding program is to share the Good News to the children and to their families as well. Bible stories were told and the love of God to us, giving hope especially in this chaos and uncertain future.

God commanded us to feed the hungry and Mission Ministries Philippines together with the partners are responding to this.

Small Rice Enterprise To Variety Store From Small Seed

“It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” Matthew 13:32

The Bible verse above simply describes how the Lord blessed the seed money given to Pastor Rodel and Teacher Jocelyn Alcantara. From a small seed, now grown into a larger plant. It was September 2019 when one of MMP’s International Advisers, Bro. Hal McNaughton, together with the team, made a visit to Pastor Rodel’s church and learning center. During the visit, we were able to witness how the teachers run the preschool class. The preschool children showed off their talents in music and movements, while some recited their memory verses.

The MMP team offered additional coaching to the teachers while Pastor Rodel shared his ministry’s humble beginnings— from one church that he started in Barangay Macabud, he planted another church in Barangay Udiongan in the same town of Rizal. After listening, Bro. Hal asked Pastor Rodel about how he was able to sustain his ministry and family needs, knowing the unfortunate condition of the community that he is serving and him doing fulltime ministry. Pastor Rodel replied with a smile and said…”We simply depend on God’s provision. It is all by God’s grace that we were able to do His work.

The ministry’s resilience and dependence to God touched Bro. Hal’s heart. He offered help by giving seed money for them to start a livelihood to sustain their needs. Pastor Rodel and his wife started their business enterprise with just five (5) sacks of rice and sold it to their community. A small portion of the learning center became their rice storage space.

After a few months, the Lord multiplied the seed money entrusted to them. From a small rice enterprise, it bore good fruit and now became a variety store. They were able to set-up the store just beside the church. Their income now supports the feeding program of the church and other needs. Faithful friends and donors like you who trust and continually support God’s work made a difference to the lives of many people.

Through your generous support and prayers to MMP ministry, we are encouraged to move forward and keep going. To God be the Glory!!

Deep Well Project at Eastgate Fruitful Life Learning Center

“Dreams become REALITY when we put our MIND to it.”

It was early 2020 when one of Mission Ministries Philippines’ (MMP) friends, Bro. Michael “Mike” Villa-real from First Congregational Church of Anaheim (California, USA) and the MMP team visited one of our partners, Eastgate Fruitful Life Learning Center in Brgy. Macabud, Rodriguez, Rizal. The purpose of the visit is for Bro. Mike and the team to have a concrete preschool exposure, to see the learning development of the children, and to meet the teachers. During the visit, Pastor Rodel Alcantara, the school administrator and head pastor of Eastgate Fruitful Life Community Church, shared his vision and dreams of his church and learning center. He also shared the current condition of the community where he is serving.

The families living there have limited access of water for drinking and other household use. The community has only one (1) deep well to cater hundreds of families. Pastor Rodel, along with some of his church members, uses his tricycle to transport all their water containers to the deep well area and have it refilled. It usually takes them several hours to be served due to the long line. Pastor Rodel has been in the community serving God for fourteen (14) years. Upon seeing the plight in the community, Bro. Mike’s heart was greatly moved. He then shared his visitation experience to his congregation, addressing the needs of the community. By the grace of God, He used the leaders and members of the First Congregational Church of Anaheim to install deep well to the said partner learning center and church.

The installation of deep well project started last February 1, 2021, and after one (1) month, the deep well is completely finished and fully operational. The DREAM of Pastor Rodel became a REALITY because of faithful donors and prayer warriors like you.

”For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants”. Isaiah 44:3